Sunday 15 November 2015

An Afternoon at WINZ

My mum and I had made an appointment at WINZ for 2 o'clock on a Friday. We were there because for the first two years of the Employment and Community skills course I was doing at Unitec I had had a TIA for the course fees and we were hoping it could continue for my third and final year on the course. 

Me and my mum got to the WINZ centre we checked with the people at the desk and then we waited, and waited, after 40 minutes of waiting my mum went back up to were the front desk was and asked how long we would be waiting. We were still waiting. Both me and my mum were looking around at how there were so many people all waiting for appointments and how there were so few people actually there to take these appointments. 

My mum eventually went back to the front desk and asked for her Consumer Rights. As soon as this happened a small line formed behind her as other people came up with similar complaints. One woman was there for the same reason I was, another man who had been waiting for far longer became so frustrated that even though he knew he shouldn't began swearing at the people behind the desk. 

We finally had someone see us, sadly they would not continue the TIA I had had for my course fees. Some advice for John Key and his government. Maybe you should actually come and have a look at how some of these places work, or better yet actually look at who the people who are on these benefits actually are. 

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